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Vitiligo: How do I know which treatment is best for me?

The different lines of treatment for vitiligo are based on stopping the de-pigmentation of the skin and re-pigmenting affected areas. The choice of treatments is conditioned by the type of vitiligo suffered by each patient.

Normally treatments are long and use a combination of different fronts:

  • Stimulation of the melanin with controlled exposure to sun-light or narrow band ultraviolet radiation
  • The oral or topical administration de photo-sensitizers, as in the case of L_Phenylalanine
  • Antioxidants such as Superoxide Dismutase SOD, an enzyme that is found in our bodies with the important task of reducing oxidative stress and free radicals, avoiding damage to healthy melanocytes

In the case of focal vitiligo (hands, face, genital area, etc.), a combination of pigmentation regulating gel is recommended (Meladul), applying it twice a day on affected areas, with narrow band ultraviolet B lamp phototherapy three times a week and always an hour after applying Meladul. To obtain results, the treatment duration should last between 6 and 24 months.

If the vitiligo affects more extensive hair follicle areas (legs, arms, trunk, etc.) a combination of L-Phenylalanine with phototherapy is recommended as follows: take Fenadul capsules all together three times a week (i.e. 6 capsules for 60 kilos of weight), then 15 minutes later, apply Fenadul gel on the areas requiring re-pigmentation, then use the narrow band UVB lamp on the affected areas. Just as with the other case, the duration need to obtain results should be between 6 and 24 months.


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