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Phototherapy, the best option for treating vitiligo when there is a lack of sunshine

As the days grow shorter and the sunlight starts to be missed, phototherapy becomes increasingly important in sustaining vitiligo treatment during the autumn and winter months.

Phototherapy has found a firm position as a frontline treatment against vitiligo and other skin diseases, such as psoriasis.

Within phototherapy, UVB narrow-band (UVB-nb) is a therapy in which the patient’s skin is exposed exclusively to wavelengths of ultraviolet light that have been medically studied and selected as the most beneficial.

UVB-nb phototherapy provides the following benefits in vitiligo treatment:

  • It contributes to repigmenting areas affected by vitiligo
  • It helps stop it progressingn
  • It stimulates melanocyte reserves
  • It has fewer side effects than UVA phototherapy, and produces fewer burns

At Abedul Productos Farmacéuticos we market a domestic use UVB-nb phototherapy lamp, which means patients can treat their vitiligo from the comfort of their own home.


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